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* [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV145411n7NJ/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0 The Forest (Normal)]
* [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Hr4y1s7JD?p=4&vd_source=ec41b8d51d20cd70cbe15b1bb9fccaf4 The Forest (NetherApril Fools' Version)]
* [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Lp4y1h7Lm/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0 Level walkthrough]
* [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ri4y1F7k3 Easter Eggs of the level]
* [https://pan.baidu.com/s/1iSme1MF9yFxbupJd2wXJ6A Baidu Netdisk (Normal)](Password:lgyb)
* Get it in the [[Special:MyLanguage/WindLine|WindLine]]
* [https://pan.baidu.com/s/1UT4VfGdxh22nOq5IHoZRaA Baidu Netdisk (AbnormalApril Fools' Version)](Password:LGYB)
<span id="关卡内容"></span>
The level starts with the cube in a frog eye's view. As the player starts, the camera angle raises, and a gate opens. As the cube enters forest, there are some dwarf trees and balloons around the path. When the line seems to reach a dead end, it will instead be teleported upwards in a higher place. Numerous balloons are shown to be flying to the sky. Afterwards, the line will landed on trees, as it jumps between trees and balloons from time to time.
For the first crown, the line is teleported from the forest to a river. The player either has two options: to go to the upper path, or to the lower path. The line then has to traverse a narrow bamboo forest with numerous fake paths. After the bamboo forest, the line encounters a series of tree houses, many of which contain hidden Easter eggs. Flowers are planted on the sides of the upper path. The lower route contains avarious breakfastfruits scenelaid inon the forestground, (?)or on baskets. AfterOne thecould also see donuts, and loaves of bread in this path as well. sceneAfterward, the upper and lower routes merge together, making way for the second crown, or the hardest part of the level.
At the second crown, various kinds of fruits drop, which may distract the player while they try to follow the rhythm. The line hits through the bushes, then it teleports upwards where the line will continue jumping in-between trees. During the teleportation, the player will have to blindly tap while following the rhythm, otherwise it may catch you off-guard and you may fail the level. In the end, the line will enter the pyramid, and the camera moves far back from the pyramid.
== Difficulties ==
[[文件:Forest1.jpg.png|缩略图|3×2 quick tap at the end of level]]
As the name goes, The Forest is a natural-style level withbased multipleon routes, reflect of thea forest. aroundIts 9-10unique a.m..Itgimmick is quitethat hardit andcontains hasmany amultiple similarroutes difficultythat witha officialplayer levelscan Thepass Indianand Journeywill andstill Allcomplete Aboutthe Uslevel. The durationlevel oftakes the3 musicminutes isto aroundcomplete, 3and minutes,because whichof testsits yourlong duration, one’s endurance veryis much;tested. The song has a beattempo of 178bpm178 andbeats includesper lotsminute, consisting of 8tha noteslot of eighth and 16thsixteenth notes, tapmeaning twice,players sohave itto hasspam higherin requirementsmany parts of the player's APM;level. The line moves fast, and the level includes lotshigh of leapsjumps and instant landinghigh clickgravity, thereforemeaning requiresthe highcube accuracylands relatively quickly. ThePlayers linehave movesto fast.be Thereaccurate arewith manythe collectionstimings, else atthey’ll branchesfail. The most difficulthardest part of the level is the teleportation atnear the end of the level., Afterwith teleporting2 tosixteenth thenotes highplayed place,thrice itand needswith 16thdelayed notecamera tapmovement. twiceOther 3than timesthat, andits thedifficulty camerais movesin upbetween withThe aIndian delay。Journey and All About Us.
<span id="你知道吗"></span>
==== About the design ====
* LiGaYb finishedfinish designing the level in only 10 days.
* The level's concept has been around for as early as 2019.
* The arouseconcept of climbing the treeline isclimbing fromtrees thedates earlyback flyers ofto the originalearly games, in which the line is walking on the tree and, making 135-degree turns.
<span id="彩蛋"></span>
==== Easter Eggs ====
* Click once less at the end of the first scene and turn right, through the obstacle and gogoing straight, you canto see thea picture of the designerLiGaYb.
** In Wind Line, the Easter Egg is replaced with "Never Gonna Give You Up."
* At the beginning of the tree house scene, the green line turns dark. When you click at here, the room will open, then the line will enter the room. This references the level [[数学|The Mathematics]], with the text saying "finish your homework!"
which* appearsInside inthe first tree house, flowers and scenes from the video "Mopemope" are shown, and the text says if anyone wants to sleep in the tree house, 50,000 CNY per square meter must be paid to the designer.
* The first room of the tree house scene can be entered, which shows flowers, and other scenes
* TheInside the second room of the tree house scene can be entered, then you will see the some pictures of Ma Baoguo, Thethe board of "浑圆形意太极门" and restore the two hot kettles ofthat thecome originalfrom the video.
which appears in the video "Mopemope", and the text says if anyone wants to sleep in the tree house, 50,000 CNY per square meter must be paid to the designer.
** In Wind Line, this Easter egg is replaced thewith sense ofa boiling the pumpkin with the textcaptions of the “Pumpkin party!” This could be a reference to one of the fan-made designers, Pumpkin_z.
* The second room of the tree house scene can be entered, then you will see the some pictures of Ma Baoguo, The board of "浑圆形意太极门" and restore the two hot kettles of the original video
* At the end of the level, if oneyou wantswant to enter the pyramid, oneyou must completely ignore the rhythmlast note and avoid tapping it. But if you complete the rhythm, the line will be teleported to a lower route. Simply follow the last of the music to show a picture of LiGaYb saying that he wants a boyfriend.
** In Wind Line, this Easter egg is replaced the sense of boiling the pumpkin with the text of the “Pumpkin party!” This could be a reference to one of the fan-made designers, Pumpkin_z.
** In Wind Line, the picture is removed, and STAR EVE alsois wantincluded toin havethe onetext, whostating arethat interestedhe intoo comingwants toa boyfriend. Anyone can find him in Yichang, Hubei Province to contact him.
* At the end of the level, if one wants to enter the pyramid, one must completely ignore the rhythm. But if you complete the rhythm, the line will be teleported to a lower route. Simply follow the last of the music to show a picture of LiGaYb saying that he wants a boyfriend.
** In Wind Line, the picture is removed, and STAR EVE also want to have one, who are interested in coming to Yichang, Hubei Province to contact him.
<span id="阴间森林"></span>
==== The Forest(Abnormal)Forest(April Fools' Version) ====
[[文件:Forest2.png|缩略图|A screenshot of the abnormalApril Fools' version of the level]]
This version is updated on April 1, 2022, as a tribute to April Fools' Day. The music of the level is abnormalremixed, with the half beat of the levelsong isbeing out of theplace. alignment, theThe music of the level is full of the drums, gongs and flute, alsowith mixedcertain samplings from The Hip Hop Evolution, The Cathedral, The Savanna and the memes of the music games “haose music”, thefrom MUG. The color of the level ishas abnormalchanged tooas well, the sky turns red, the trees are changed to blue and red, the river changedis the color intoin brown color, and the floor of the level becameis thein dazzling pink, likesimilar materialto the color when missing oftextures in the game engine, Unity. This version of the level bears a lot of similarities to the Nether in Minecraft.