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==== The Forest(Abnormal) ====
==== The Forest(Abnormal) ====
[[文件:Forest2.png|缩略图|A screenshot of the abnormal level]]
[[文件:Forest2.png|缩略图|A screenshot of the abnormal level]]
This version is updated on April,1st,2022,the designer published The Forest(Abnormal) at the April Fool's Day,the music of the level is abnormal,the half beat of the level is out of the alignment,the music of the level is full of the drums,gongs and flute,also mixed The Hip Hop Evolution,The Cathedral,The Savanna and the memes of the music games “haose music”,the color of the level is abnormal too,the sky turns red,trees are blue and red,the river changed the color into brown,the floor of the level became the dazzling pink like material missing of the Unity.
This version is updated on April 1, 2022, as a tribute to April Fools' Day. The music of the level is abnormal, the half beat of the level is out of the alignment, the music of the level is full of the drums, gongs and flute, also mixed The Hip Hop Evolution, The Cathedral, The Savanna and the memes of the music games “haose music”, the color of the level is abnormal too, the sky turns red, trees are blue and red, the river changed the color into brown, the floor of the level became the dazzling pink like material missing of the Unity. This version of the level bears a lot of similarities to the Nether in Minecraft.