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== Correlative videos ==
== Correlative Videos ==

* [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV145411n7NJ/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0 The Forest(Normal)]
* [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV145411n7NJ/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0 The Forest(Normal)]

2022年11月25日 (五) 11:44的版本


The Forest(森林)is a level made by LiGaYb. The level first appeared on Jan. 10thm, 2021, and has been updated in Wind Line now.

Correlative Videos



The level starts with the low viewing angle,then with the open of the door,the viewing of angle raised,the line enters the forest path,there are some dwarf trees and balloons around the path.

关卡设计主要采用低多边形风格,大量的树木由简单几何体构成,上树的设计也是其他自然风格关卡所没有的独特想法。同时音乐风格轻快,不同于其他的自然风格关卡。作者称在设计时有意在靠拢官方“Every level is a different journey”的思想。



The Forest is a natural-style level with multiple routes, reflect of the forest around 9-10 a.m..It is quite hard and has a similar difficulty with official levels The Indian Journey and All About Us. The duration of the music is around 3 minutes, which tests your endurance very much; The song has a beat of 178bpm and includes lots of 8th notes and 16th notes二连, so it has higher requirements of the player's APM; The level includes lots of leaps and instant landing click, therefore requires high accuracy. The line moves fast. There are many collections at branches. The most difficult part of the level is teleportation at the end of the level. After teleporting to the high place, it needs3次16分2连, and the camera moves up with a delay。


About the design

  • The designer finished the level in only 10 days
  • The idea of the level has already appeared in 2019
  • The arouse of climbing the tree is from the early flyers of the original games, in which the line is walking on the tree and making 135-degree turns.

Easter Eggs

  • 在第一场景最后少点一下并右转,穿过假障碍物后一直直走,能看见作者的真人照片
    • WindLine版本中该彩蛋被替换为rickroll文字
  • 在树屋场景下路开始的位置有一根深绿色线,在此点击后房间会打开,然后线能进入房间。房间中有一些数学关卡中的元素,还有催促玩家去做作业的文字
  • 树屋场景上路的第一个房间是可以进入的,进入之后里面有Mopemope当中的花与小团子,还有作者说想住在树屋里就给他每平米5万CNY的文字
  • 树屋场景上路的第二个房间是可以进入的,进入之后里面有马保国的若干照片、浑圆形意太极门的牌匾以及还原视频名场面的两个热水壶
    • WindLine版本中该彩蛋被替换为煮南瓜(迫害DLFM作者小天GA,其使用过一段时间有表情的卡通南瓜当头像)的场景,还附有“Pumpkin party!”的文字
  • 在关卡结尾处,正常进入金字塔路径需要忽略一次节奏,补全该节奏后,线会被传送至下方的路径,按剩下的节奏完成点击后会出现作者的另一张照片,附有其孤独寂寞想要男朋友的文字
    • WindLine版本中,取消了照片,文字替换为了LiGaYb想要男朋友,STAR EVE也想要,有意者来湖北宜昌联系的文字

The Forest(Abnormal)

A screenshot of the abnormal level

This version is updated on April,1st,2022,the designer published The Forest(Abnormal) at the April Fool's Day,the music of the level is abnormal,the half beat of the level is out of the alignment,the music of the level is full of the drums,gongs and flute,also mixed The Hip Hop Evolution,The Cathedral,The Savanna and the memes of the music games “haose music”,the color of the level is abnormal too,the sky turns red,trees are blue and red,the river changed the color into brown,the floor of the level became the dazzling pink like material missing of the Unity.
