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创建页面,内容为“{{关卡信息 |关卡名称=甜点仙境 |关卡图片=300px |作者=STAR EVE |音乐名=Ice Cream' Sandwich |曲目作者=Sacrofiz/Doffbeat |所属合集=WindLine |下载方式=(加群下载、游戏合集) }} Dessert Wonderland is a level created by STAR EVE. It is one of WindLine's original levels. This level won 14th place in the Best Fan-made Levels Contest of 2021, and ranked first among recommended levels.”
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Dessert Wonderland is a level created by STAR EVE. It is one of [[WindLine|WindLine's]] original levels. This level won 14th place in the Best Fan-made Levels Contest of 2021, and ranked first among recommended levels.
甜点仙境是由STAR EVE制作的关卡,为WindLine原创关卡。关卡获得了2021年年度评选第14名,在推荐关卡中获得最高位。

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2022年11月30日 (三) 12:28的版本

Dessert Wonderland is a level created by STAR EVE. It is one of WindLine's original levels. This level won 14th place in the Best Fan-made Levels Contest of 2021, and ranked first among recommended levels.

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Level Info

This level contains a lot of various desserts and fruits, divided into seven scenes:

  • The first scene contains red and pink candies that pop up on the ground. Desserts include candy canes, biscuits, donuts, ice cream, square candies, spherical candies, etc. Fruits include raspberries, cranberries, pomegranates, etc.
  • The second scene is orange, the lake is orange juice, desserts include biscuit pieces, fruit cake, lotus biscuits, banana boats made of bananas, cream, blueberries or strawberries, and fruits include blood oranges, grapefruits, limes, oranges, etc.
  • The third scene is brown, the ground is chocolate, there are chocolate trees on both sides, desserts include sugar cubes, cheese blueberry/chocolate bread, chocolate, white chocolate, sugar balls, sandwich biscuits, etc., and fruits include transparent pink apples
  • The fourth scene is white, the route is cream, it is a labyrinth route, ice cream and lollipops appear in the scene, and cream rains in the air
  • The fifth scene is blue, the line travels on a small boat, similar to a Reggae field surfboard, the water surface is blue sugar water, the route is floating sugar cubes, there are boats and biscuit islands in the water, and transparent sugar blocks of various colors are floating up and down
  • The sixth scene is green, all matcha-flavored desserts, including matcha pudding, matcha tree, matcha herb, matcha cake, matcha candy, matcha ball, matcha ice cream, matcha biscuit, lollipop, etc.
  • The seventh scene is yellow, the floor is a yellow cake, the route is white cream, the desserts include chocolate pudding, panna cotta, ice cream, candy, cake tree, etc., the fruit is yellow peach, and there is no pyramid at the end, it is replaced by a large Donuts with assorted candy bars



In the first part of the level, many obstacles pop up from the ground, syncing with the music. Players could be caught off-guard if they're not careful. During the lake part, there are a lot of jumps, and the audio is out of sync along with the camera movement. Also, the chocolate segment goes left at the end, but it takes one more click to make it to the right in order to successfully teleport to the white segment. But overall, it's difficulty is normal, around the same difficulty as The Earth.


  • 关卡结尾的甜甜圈上附有文字“Regret nothing in matters of love and food”,中文含义为“唯爱与美食不可辜负”。在DLFM2021年年度评选中,产生了非常喜感的弹幕直译“在爱和美食方面不后悔”
  • 关卡被WindLine工作室成员LiGaYb迫害,产生了“咸点地狱”“舔点陷阱”“舔狗陷阱”等别称
  • 关卡的模型使用了很多DLFM作者TCT的建模,导致STAR EVE甚至被TCT查水表
  • 白色段迷宫走的实际路宽是显示路宽的3倍左右,玩家可以据此自行手动调整音画同步
  • 1钻需要在空中点击3下使树和钻石升起,小于3下会因为上升高度不够吃不到,大于3下线会直接撞到树上而死亡。在初版,台阶上并没有“Keep on tapping”的提示。官号视频录制时故意没有获得1钻。梦回中国园林
  • 关卡实际游玩时,在一些画质下,橙汁段偏黄,宛如土色;巧克力段在最初制作时宛如排遗物的颜色,在LiGaYb的强烈建议下更改了棕色的深度;最后一段本来想做成黄桃的黄色,但由于STAR EVE考虑到黄桃颜色偏橙色,而前面已经有一段橙色段,所以整体也呈土黄色。这样这个关卡实际上就有了3个偏黄色的段落
  • 初版在红色段落最后右转,能看到后一版本“Runaway”关卡的预告:2022年2月,一场关于爱情的逃亡即将开始……;在Runaway更新的版本及以后,在此往右走会直接判定出图死亡