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创建页面,内容为“==Time Line== : ''The above timestamps are all in Beijing Time (CST, UTC+8). '' * 2023/6/16 - Board of Miraheze announced that Miraheze is going to shutdown. * 2023/6/17 - Former SRE of Miraheze Labster voiced that he would try to save Miraheze on [https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36366883 a relative thread]. * 2023/6/18 - Labster posted an article announcing that Miraheze w…”
第7行: 第7行:
This announcement will remain in effect until the handover of Miraheze is completely completed, and the schedule related to the handover event will be updated in real time.
This announcement will remain in effect until the handover of Miraheze is completely completed, and the schedule related to the handover event will be updated in real time.

==Time Line==
<div lang="zh" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
: ''The above timestamps are all in Beijing Time (CST, UTC+8). ''
* 2023/6/16 - Board of Miraheze [[meta:Board/Policies/20230615-Statement|announced]] that Miraheze is going to shutdown.
: ''以下所列时间统一为北京时间(CST, UTC+8)。''
* 2023/6/17 - Former SRE of Miraheze Labster voiced that he would try to save Miraheze on [https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36366883 a relative thread].
* 2023/6/16 - Miraheze董事会成员代表Miraheze董事会发布[[meta:Board/Policies/20230615-Statement|公告]],称Miraheze即将停运。
* 2023/6/18 - Labster posted [[meta:Miraheze_is_Not_Shutting_Down|an article]] announcing that Miraheze will not shutdown, and may explain his plan later.
* 2023/6/17 - 前Miraheze站点维护志愿者Labster在[https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36366883 相关的讨论串]{{可能无法访问}}称自己愿意尝试拯救Miraheze。
* 2023/12/22 - [[meta:Requests for Comment/Reorganization of Miraheze|A RfC]] released, discussing the future of Miraheze's reorganization formally.
* 2023/6/18 - Labster在MetaWiki上[[meta:Miraheze_is_Not_Shutting_Down|发文]]宣布Miraheze不会停运,并且将在之后详细解释他的拯救方案。
* 2023/12/22 - [[meta:Requests for Comment/Reorganization of Miraheze|新提案]]发表,正式讨论Miraheze未来的领导层相关事宜。
* 2024/1/2 - [[meta:Requests for Comment/Reorganization of Miraheze|The RfC]] is closed, resulted in merging with [https://wikitide.org WikiTide].
* 2024/1/2 - [[meta:Requests for Comment/Reorganization of Miraheze|提案]]讨论结束,Miraheze将与[https://wikitide.org WikiTide]合并。