
Dancing Line & Fanmade Wiki:Announcement/Miraheze is Not Shutting Down and Preparing to Change Management

FuzzyBot留言 | 贡献2024年1月3日 (三) 13:54的版本 (更新以匹配源页面内容的新版本)

The leaders of Miraheze don't want to continue to operate Miraheze -- the hosting service of our Wiki. But a former core volunteer of Miraheze is willing to take over this project. He has had an effective communication with former leaders, and they have determined a rescue plan. Both sides are guaranteed to maintain the operation of all Wiki websites when the handover continues. So now it's for sure that Miraheze will not shut down for a period of time. See the article Miraheze is Not Shutting Down on Meta Wiki.

We are very glad to see that the situation has turned around. As a rare 100% free and pure hosting service provider, Miraheze has won our favor. Dancing Line & Fanmade Wiki will still continue to run on Miraheze.

This announcement will remain in effect until the handover of Miraheze is completely completed, and the schedule related to the handover event will be updated in real time.


以下所列时间统一为北京时间(CST, UTC+8)。
  • 2023/6/16 - Miraheze董事会成员代表Miraheze董事会发布公告,称Miraheze即将停运。
  • 2023/6/17 - 前Miraheze站点维护志愿者Labster在相关的讨论串This link might be unable to visit normally and may require special methods.称自己愿意尝试拯救Miraheze。
  • 2023/6/18 - Labster在MetaWiki上发文宣布Miraheze不会停运,并且将在之后详细解释他的拯救方案。
  • 2023/12/22 - 新提案发表,正式讨论Miraheze未来的领导层相关事宜。
  • 2024/1/2 - 提案讨论结束,Miraheze将与WikiTide合并。

We are very sorry to announce, that the hosting service of this wiki, Miraheze, has announced that they will stop the maintenance on Aug. 31st, 2023, and completely shut down before Oct. 1st. Miraheze is discussing with the community to find the possibility of continuing though, such as recruiting members. More detailed information can be found at here.

As the creator of the Dancing Line & Fanmade Wiki, I feel very fortunate to discover a non-profit team called Miraheze that provides wiki hosting services. I feel really sorry to hear about Miraheze's recent decision. I cherish my relationship with Miraheze, and sincerely hope that Miraheze can get out of their trouble, and find enough volunteers to keep running. If the relationship really ends, I will still keep this miraculous experience in my heart forever.

The Future of Our Site

Due to the condition, Dancing Line & Fanmade Wiki have to prepare for the backup and migration. This announcement will keep active and update new measures of administrate groups on time, until Miraheze resume their services or we finish the migration.

Survey on Wiki Hosting Services

In order to have an idea about your visiting experience, we invite you to take a survey. You can access it at HERE. If you have any other suggestion, you are welcomed to register an account and comment at the bottom of this page.

Dancing Line & Fanmade Wiki promises that your data will be only used to analyze the performance of popular wiki hosting services. Your feedback is important, it will directly affect which platform we will migrate to.

Recruiting for Mediawiki Maintenance Partner

To prepare for self-hosting, we are looking for technical staff with background maintenance experience in MediaWiki sites. If you have experience in hosting and maintaining a Mediawiki server, or you're familiar with Lua or PHP, please join our discord server and contact us.

Preliminary Time Schedule

Dancing Line & Fanmade Wiki has created a data dump immediately, and will download all files on the site in the following days. Before the middle of August, all users can keep visiting and editing the wiki. After that, if Miraheze still not announces their resume, we will protect the whole site, and stop the editing temporarily for backup and migration, which will be noticed then.

Bureaucrat of Dancing Line & Fanmade Wiki
JerryHan3 (T·C·P)
