
项目:翻译 Project:Translation

於 2023年1月21日 (六) 20:15 由 Wisty留言 | 貢獻 所做的修訂
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This page contains details of our site's translation project. You can get information of this project, and know how to participate in the translation project.

項目概況 Overview of Project[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

  1. 翻譯工作於2022年11月23日(三) 12:00 (CST)開始。
    The translation work started at 12:00 (CST) on Nov. 23, 2022.
  2. 待翻譯內容為:
    The pages that should be translated are:
    1. 內容已經基本定型的主空間頁面(即不帶「編輯中」提示框的關卡頁面、合集頁、首頁、以及遊戲機制頁面);
      Stable pages that are fully completed (without message boxes that are "In progress") in the Main namespace, including level pages, collection pages, the main page, and game mechanics pages;
    2. 本站點的方針文件命名與許可協議要求版權聲明;
      The Direction, File Naming and License Agreement Requirements, and Copyright Announcement.
    3. 帶有文字的模板。
      Templates with texts.
  3. 翻譯目標語言:英語
    Pages are translated into English.

項目規則 Project Rules[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

項目組長 Project Leaders[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

40px}} 40px}}
Wisty JerryHan3
Content Manager
Technical Support

參與項目 How to participate[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

You need to complete these steps in order to join in the translation project:

  1. 您需要前往譯者登記特殊頁面進行登記。這樣,我們就可以將最新的翻譯通知推送給您。
    You need to visit the special page "Translator Signup" and sign up as a translator. Therefore, we can notify you with the latest news about translation.
  2. 您可以在頁面翻譯特殊頁面查看到現在可以翻譯的頁面,然後點擊它們進入頁面。可以翻譯的頁面頂部會有一個「翻譯本頁」的鏈接,點擊即可開始翻譯。
    You can find the pages that need translation at the special page "Translate Pages", and click them to enter the page. Pages that are ready for translation will have a link saying "Translate this page", and you can start translating by clicking it.
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