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JerryHan3留言 | 贡献
FuzzyBot留言 | 贡献
The Jury is a particular group of players tasked to judge a level from multiple factors and aspects whatever they like. Each member of the Jury will evaluate and rate these levels. The results will then tally up and will be summarized as the "Favorable Rate." To join this group, one must be reviewed by TBOTP, the organizer for this event, before they are accepted. For more information, please go to [[#Voting|the Voting section]].
<s>If you want to register as a jury member, please move to [https://wj.qq.com/s2/11100245/b3bd this link].</s>'''This segment is now closed, therefore the link is now invalid.'''
<span id="海选"></span>
第62行 ⟶ 第60行:
* Recreations of previous entries from the previous years are not allowed. There are exceptions, however, such as remixing the original music, and completely redesigning the level
* Any level creator is free to submit an unlimited amount of entries or levels to the contest.
<s>Refer [https://wj.qq.com/s2/11096748/084e here] to submit your entries.</s> '''This link is invalid.'''
<span id="投票"></span>
第71行 ⟶ 第67行:
: ''Status: {{Color|red|'''Closed'''}}<br/>Period: 2022/12/10~2022/12/29''
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The Voting process of this contest will be separated into 2 sections:
* '''Popularity Vote: '''Just like in previous years, everyone gets to vote in this section. Voters can vote up to 16 levels. The result of this section will be tallied as the "Voter Turnout". <s>Head over to this [https://wj.qq.com/s2/11332936/af7d/$link link] to vote right now!</s>'''Voting is closed.'''
* '''Jury's Evaluation''':This is a new segment of the Voting process for this year. Jury members that have passed the [[#Jury Registration|Jury Registration]] will each evaluate and rate the quality of each fan-made level from various aspects (including but not limited to the level's theme, design, animations, accuracy of the taps, playability, optimization, and etc.) The result of this section will be tallied as the "Favorable Rate".
In the final result, the "Voter Turnout" will account for 30% of the level's score, and the “Favorable Rate” will account for the remaining 70%. This will determine the ranks of the entries.