





  英语(en)*The donut at the end of the level has the text "Regret nothing in matters of love and food", which means "唯爱与美食不可辜负" in Chinese. In the Dancing Line Best Fan-made Levels Contest of 2021, this was translated to "在爱和美食方面不后悔" or "No regret in love and food."
*This level was criticized by LiGaYb, a member of Winder Studio, who referred to it as "salty point hell", "licking point trap" and "dog licking trap," which when translated to Chinese, sounds almost similar to the level's name in Chinese.
*The design of this level was mainly inspired by one of TCT's levels, Paradise of Delicacy. As a matter of fact, TCT even checked this level.
*The actual width of the maze path is 3 times wider than the path shown. Therefore, players can adjust audio and camera synchronization manually and the level will still play out as usual.
*During the jump from the yellow lake to the chocolate grounds, the player must tap 3 times to collect the first diamond. Clicking less than 3 times won't raise the tree enough while clicking more will raise the tree too high, and the player will lose. During the early versions of the level, no prompt says "Keep on tapping" to indicate to players what to do.
**During the official video, this diamond was not collected at all.
*When the level is played under low quality, the orange juice lake scene appears to be yellow.
*The chocolate scene had a color that looked like poop. This color was changed to brown, as suggested by LiGaYb.
*The last section was originally intended to have a peach color, but because STAR EVE considered that the color of a peach is predominantly orange and that the orange color is already used for the 2nd section of the level, he instead used yellow.
**Because of this, the level should now have 3 yellow-colored scenes or sections.
*During an early version of this level, before entering the orange juice lake, a preview of "Runaway" can be shown when one taps to the right. In a later version in February 2022, or v1.2.2, a text that says "an escape about love is about to begin..." is also displayed. As of recent versions, however, when one tries to do this again, it will instead cause one to lose and die.
  中文(zh)*关卡结尾的甜甜圈上附有文字“Regret nothing in matters of love and food”,中文含义为“唯爱与美食不可辜负”;<s>在DLFM2021年年度评选中,产生了非常喜感的弹幕直译“在爱和美食方面不后悔”。</s>
*关卡的模型使用了很多DLFM作者TCT的建模,导致STAR EVE甚至被TCT查水表;
*1钻需要在空中点击3下使树和钻石升起,小于3下会因为上升高度不够而无法获取,大于3下线会直接撞到树上而死亡。在初版,台阶上并没有“Keep on tapping”的提示。WinderStudio官方账号在录制关卡视频时故意没有获得第1颗钻石;<s>梦回中国园林</s>
*关卡实际游玩时,在一些画质下,橙汁段偏黄,宛如土色;巧克力段<s>在最初制作时宛如排遗物的颜色,</s>在LiGaYb的强烈建议下更改了棕色的深度;最后一段本来想做成黄桃的黄色,但由于STAR EVE考虑到黄桃颜色偏橙色,而前面已经有一段橙色段,所以整体也呈土黄色;<s>这样这个关卡实际上就有了3个偏黄色的段落。</s>