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This version is updated on April 1, 2022, as a tribute to April Fools' Day. The music of the level is remixed, with the half beat of the song being out of place. The music of the level is full of the drums, gongs and flute, with certain snippets of the songssamplings from The Hip Hop Evolution, The Cathedral, The Savanna and memes“haose ofmusic” music games “haosefrom musicMUG. The color of the level has changed as well, the sky turns red, the trees are changed to blue and red, the river is in brown color, and the floor of the level is in dazzling pink, similar to the color when missing elementstextures in the game engine, Unity. This version of the level bears a lot of similarities to the Nether in Minecraft.

2022年11月28日 (一) 10:14的最新版本

2022年愚人节,关卡作者发布了愚人节特供阴间森林,歌曲极其阴间,后半段拍子没有对齐,全曲充斥着敲锣打鼓吹笛子的声音,其中还混入了DL官方关卡嘻哈演变、大教堂、稀树草原的人声以及音游梗haose music采样。关卡配色也极其阴间,天空换成了红色,树换成了蓝黑色和红色,小溪替换为了棕黄色,地板则换成了unity材质缺失时显示出的耀眼粉红色。

This version is updated on April 1, 2022, as a tribute to April Fools' Day. The music of the level is remixed, with the half beat of the song being out of place. The music of the level is full of the drums, gongs and flute, with certain samplings from The Hip Hop Evolution, The Cathedral, The Savanna and “haose music” from MUG. The color of the level has changed as well, the sky turns red, the trees are changed to blue and red, the river is in brown color, and the floor of the level is in dazzling pink, similar to the color when missing textures in the game engine, Unity. This version of the level bears a lot of similarities to the Nether in Minecraft.
