

545 次編輯加入於2022年11月16日 (星期三)

Hello, I am Wisty, an English speaker, and a long-time player of Dancing Line since 2019. I've begun playing fan-made levels since 2020. I will be an English translator for this wiki, to cater to all non-Chinese players who want to know more about the game, and the fan-made levels as well. I have experience in managing wikis, but it has been awhile since I've done that, so I guess this will be a learning experience for me. I hope to get to know the community more, or at least contribute to it as much as possible. Feel free to contact me via Discord at Wisty#3962 or electrochaos#5878.

大家好,我是Wisty,會說英語,從2019年開始就是Dancing Line的長期玩家。我從2020年開始玩同人製作的關卡。我將成為這個wiki的英文翻譯,以迎合所有非-想要更多了解遊戲的中國玩家,以及粉絲製作的關卡。我有管理 wiki 的經驗,但我已經有一段時間沒有這樣做了,所以我想這對我來說將是一次學習經歷。我希望更多地了解社區,或者至少儘可能地為社區做出貢獻。歡迎通過 Discord 的 Wisty#3962 或 electrochaos#5878 與我聯繫。(if this sounds grammatically wrong, it's Google Translate's fault, not mine haha)

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