
The Antarctica

Wisty留言 | 贡献2022年12月8日 (四) 11:56的版本 (创建页面,内容为“During an early version of this level, 20% of the scenes are relatively empty, while 80%-90% only have ice blocks collapsing and showing paths. There is no scenery to go along with it as well. Majority of this level contains obstacles consisting of blue squares, a lot of ice blocks in the end. There were also penguins at this area, and the cube was supposed to be at the ocean again.”)

The Antartica is a fan-made level created by LiGaYb. It is infamous for its high difficulty. The level was released on August 20, 2021, and won 13th place for Dancing Line's 2021 Best Fan-made Levels Contest.

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Level Info

The level begins with the cube in space. As the path reaches Earth, the cube lands in Antarctica. From here, one can see icebergs, ice blocks, and different animals such as the killer whale, a family of penguins, and a smaller whale, which serves as a skin in many Dancing Line fan-games. The ice blocks instantly pop out in sync with the music. The cube then goes through a tunnel where the camera moves lower, thus obscuring the view of the cube. Afterward, the cube jumps toward land where the rhythm of the music becomes increasingly complex and players must be cautious during this segment. Also in the part shows fossils of large but dead animals as well as small plant life that manages to survive in extreme cold weather. When the first crown is obtained, the cube is at the South Pole, encountering mountains that are composed of varying sizes of cubes and cuboids. The cube has to jump between these mountains before reaching a canyon at around 50%. The sky becomes dark, changing into a purply-red color, and ice blocks occasionally fall which may try to hit the cube. During this segment, there are mysterious symbols which appear on the ground. These symbols may have been taken from one of LiGaYb’s levels, The Aurora. The line then transitions into a cave as it collects the second crown. The ceiling collapses, and more ice blocks fall from the top. The camera’s perspective lowers down to a knee level shot, as the ice blocks make way for the exit. The final segment consists of the line on top of an iceberg as part of the ice falls over next to the line, thereby making the path extremely narrow. When the level ends, the camera zooms out, and huge ice spikes surround the pyramid.

During an early version of this level, 20% of the scenes are relatively empty, while 80%-90% only have ice blocks collapsing and showing paths. There is no scenery to go along with it as well. Majority of this level contains obstacles consisting of blue squares, a lot of ice blocks in the end. There were also penguins at this area, and the cube was supposed to be at the ocean again.










  • The level's concept dates back in 2019, but the level has vastly changed ever since.
  • The level's concept comes from when the Taurus designer references the level's theme to the Weibo players “什么五大洲四大洋啊” or "What has five continents and four oceans?"
  • Initially, this level was meant to be included for WindLine, but since the other members of Winder Studio disliked the level, it was replaced with Sunset Glow. Regardless of which level will be included, it will still be harder than Lantern Festival.
  • 关卡峡谷段石块落下neta了TTF的关卡和平之瞬
  • 峡谷段地面的神秘符号来源于南极洲外星人传说
  • 关卡作者在制作时截了一张宇宙场景的图,其中露出了地球的南极洲,提示关卡英文除开The共有10个字母,邀请玩家猜测关卡标题以提前游玩,结果在音乐发布前无人猜对
  • 关卡具有彩蛋,在10%左右会出现一只小鲸鱼,模型为WindLine鲸鱼皮肤同款模型,如果多点击2次,触碰到该小鲸鱼,其会落入水中;在14%左右,会多出一只生气表情的鲸鱼,以及你把我男朋友碰下去了我要惩罚你的文字,线在此会撞死