
Dancing Line & Fanmade Works Wiki: Announcement/Modification of Permission to Access Hotcat Tool

JerryHan3讨论 | 贡献2023年4月3日 (一) 15:43的版本 (创建页面,内容为“The Hotcat tool is located in the category tab at the bottom of each page. It added several buttons like “(+)”, to help users add or remove categories quickly. If you are not familiar with the category structure of our site, or are not sure whether a page should lie in a certain category, please DO NOT touch the buttons in the category tab. Please contact editors through each page’s talk area if needed.”)

We’ve found that there are several incidents recently, in which unregistered users used the Hotcat tool improperly, resulted in accidentally adding or removing categories from pages. From now on, the least permission to use Hotcat tool has been raised to “registered users” to avoid improper operations.

The Hotcat tool is located in the category tab at the bottom of each page. It added several buttons like “(+)”, to help users add or remove categories quickly. If you are not familiar with the category structure of our site, or are not sure whether a page should lie in a certain category, please DO NOT touch the buttons in the category tab. Please contact editors through each page’s talk area if needed.

