
项目:翻译 Project:Translation

JerryHan3讨论 | 贡献2022年11月24日 (四) 00:30的版本 (修改标题)

This page is the description of our site's translation project. You can get information of this project, and know how to engage in the translation.

项目概况 Overview of Project

  1. 翻译工作于2022年11月23日(三) 12:00 (CST)开始。
    The translation work starts at 12:00 (CST) on Nov. 23th, 2022.
  2. 待翻译内容为:
    Pages that are going to be translated are:
    1. 内容已经基本定型的主空间页面(即不带“编辑中”提示框的关卡页面、合集页、首页、以及游戏机制页面);
      Basically stable pages (without message boxes saying "In progress") in the Main namespace, including level pages, collection pages, the main page, and game mechanics pages;
    2. 本站点的方针文件命名与许可协议要求版权声明;
      The Direction, File Naming and License Agreement Requirements, and Copyright Announcement.
    3. 带有文字的模板。
      Templates with texts.
  3. 翻译目标语言:英语
    Pages are translated into English.

项目规则 Project Rules

项目组长 Project Leaders

参与项目 Engage in this Project

You need to complete these steps to engage in the translation project:

  1. 您需要前往译者登记特殊页面进行登记。这样,我们就可以将最新的翻译通知推送给您。
    You need to visit the special page TranslatorSignup and sign up as translator. Therefore, we can notify you the latest news about translation.
  2. 您可以在页面翻译特殊页面查看到现在可以翻译的页面,然后点击它们进入页面。可以翻译的页面顶部会有一个“翻译本页”的链接,点击即可开始翻译。
    You can find the pages that need translation at the special page Translate Pages, and click them to enter the page. Pages that are ready for translation will have a link saying "Translate this page", and you can start translating by clicking it.