The Dancing Line Best Fan-made Levels Contest for 2023 is over. Here's the final result.
Rank | Name | Designer | Vote Ratio |
Jury's Score |
1 | The Jupiter | LiGaYb | 35.7% | 46.56 |
2 | The Garden | LiGaYb | 29.9% | 44.75 |
3 | The Celestial Fantasy | Nyan-cat, Zero_Lune89, DogDongXi | 47.0% | 39.89 |
4 | The Adventure | Haru1753, FengYan | 21.0% | 43.11 |
5 | Autumn Light | STAR-EVE | 23.6% | 42.00 |
6 | Le chemin de la vie | Ariseform | 23.6% | 41.22 |
7 | The Space | Max Ice Flame | 24.3% | 40.00 |
8 | The Motherland | CXY-Chen | 38.3% | 36.80 |
9 | Hsia Jheng | Zutek3134 | 21.5% | 40.00 |
10 | TrapCrow | Loxfullsce | 20.1% | 39.56 |
Best Topic The Motherland CXY-Chen |
Best Gameplay The Adventure Haru1753, FengYan |
Best Scenery Le chemin de la vie Ariseform |
Best Creativity The Jupiter LiGaYb |
Best Popularity The Celestial Fantasy Nyan-cat, Zero_Lune89, DogDongXi |
Best Animation June FlucyClaudes |
June FlucyClaudes |
Home Sukugoぃ |
Rainfall TheBlueFire, DLFaded, noonbou |
For Renin CIAD233 |
Caramel Stars -_Hatcat_-、塩_ |
loneliness 慕容彥達 |
End (Remix) Loxfullsce, TheBlueFire |
Sinkhole Candlefire, Yanggewolaile |
FrostEra RTX4125 |
彩虹山 LittleLan |
Reverse Clock Wind Bamboo |
Here's the routine and rules of this activity.
The Audition part will last from Nov. 1st, 2023 to Nov. 30th. This section has ended. Here's the result of this part.
Name | Link | Designer | Type |
焦糖星 | CLICK ME | -_Hatcat_-、塩_ | For Play |
瓦妮莎的微笑 | CLICK ME | 8214_ | For Play |
歆境 | CLICK ME | Candlefire、杨哥我来了_Official | For Play |
For Renin | CLICK ME | CIAD233 | For Play |
雨中码头 | CLICK ME | CXY-辰 | For Play |
祖国 | CLICK ME | CXY-辰 | For Play |
The Way | CLICK ME | CXY-辰 | For Play |
The Poetry of Birds | CLICK ME | CXY-辰 | For Play |
森林 | CLICK ME | DL-Scott | For Play |
灯塔 | CLICK ME | DL落日余晖 | For Play |
极寒之境 | CLICK ME | Dp早期智人 | For Play |
冒险 | CLICK ME | Haru1753、枫炎烽烟凤眼峰岩 | For Play |
The Dream Travel | CLICK ME | HSsevenfour | For Play |
木星 | CLICK ME | LiGaYb | For Play |
花园 | CLICK ME | LiGaYb | For Play |
梦之隙 | CLICK ME | LOSEMAX | For Play |
FineLogic | CLICK ME | Loxfullsce_苿 | For Play |
TrapCrow | CLICK ME | Loxfullsce_苿 | For Play |
TheWorldHasAHeartbeat | CLICK ME | Loxfullsce_苿 | For Play |
Elixir | CLICK ME | Loxfullsce_苿 | For Play |
End(Remix) | CLICK ME | Loxfullsce_苿、蓝焰TheBlueFire | For Play |
独行 | CLICK ME | lwtiky | For Play |
那年夏天 | CLICK ME | MogeForever | For Play |
空间 | CLICK ME | Max冰焰 | For Play |
战争 | CLICK ME | Nyan-cat彩虹猫 | For Play |
LoveRat | CLICK ME | Nyan-cat彩虹猫 | For Play |
星际幻想曲 | CLICK ME | Nyan-cat彩虹猫、Zero_Lune89、我叫狗东溪 | For Play |
寒冬之疑 | CLICK ME | ScofetStudio官方账号 | For Play |
Avantgarde | CLICK ME | SDOW-XE-official、啥都不会的屑公稽 | For Play |
仲秋流光[征 1] | CLICK ME | STAR_EVE | For Play |
环游·追寻Ⅱ | CLICK ME | STAR_EVE | For Play |
家园 | CLICK ME | Sukugoぃ | For Play |
Faster | CLICK ME | THRY CH | For Play |
星韵 | CLICK ME | YuanCQA | For Play |
平凡之路 | CLICK ME | Zero_Lune89 | For Play |
夏正 | CLICK ME | Zutek3134 | For Play |
彩虹山 | CLICK ME | 爱玩音游的小蓝 | For Play |
Mountain Call | CLICK ME | 爱玩音游的小蓝 | For Play |
寻光者 | CLICK ME | 爱玩音游的小蓝 | For Play |
回忆 | CLICK ME | 爱玩音游的小蓝 | For Play |
序始 | CLICK ME | 爱玩音游的小蓝 | For Play |
夏夜 | CLICK ME | 爱玩音游的小蓝 | For Play |
徜徉 | CLICK ME | 半魔rate | For Play |
雨 | CLICK ME | 半魔rate | For Play |
海洋 | CLICK ME | 贝尔DL | For Play |
暮 | CLICK ME | 贝尔DL | For Play |
World | CLICK ME | 贝尔DL、Dju De La Va、Marios1Gr | For Play |
告白之夜 | CLICK ME | 吃土豆者 | For Play |
六月 | CLICK ME | 浮之雲FlucyClaudes | For Watch |
雨降 | CLICK ME | 蓝焰TheBlueFire、舞线Faded、屑noonbou | For Play |
loneliness | CLICK ME | 慕容彥達 | For Play |
未来 | CLICK ME | 四二佛吐 | For Play |
抑 | CLICK ME | 마브네로 | For Play |
CLICK ME | 我还是那个哨子、YuanCQA | For Play | |
Spotlight | CLICK ME | 舞线FO | For Play |
糖果屋 | CLICK ME | 小孤不Alone | For Play |
In The End | CLICK ME | 小阳解说MC | For Watch |
I must say No | CLICK ME | 小艺术家灿灿 | For Watch |
The Simple Fantasy | CLICK ME | 小鱼儿-钟山苌楚 | For Play |
风筝与沙 | CLICK ME | 晓月小小怪 | For Play |
Le chemin de la vie | CLICK ME | 这货不叫芒果 | For Play |
FrostEra | CLICK ME | 子智君 | For Play |
Marchen | CLICK ME | 昨夜风qwq | For Play |
During this part, Fan-makers can submit their works by filling out a form and sending an email with their works' packages to a specific address.
Audition Rule |
Jury Registration
The Jury Registration part will last from Nov. 15th, 2023 to Nov. 28th. This part has ENDED. During this part, any community member who wants to get involved in the judging work can sign up through the link. After being accepted, they can join the relative group for further work.
Popularity Vote & Jury's Evaluation
The Popularity Vote & Jury's Evaluation part will last from Dec. 1st, 2023 to Dec. 21st. This part is OVER.
The total score part is similar to the last year, which is separated into 2 sections:
- Popularity Vote: Everyone gets to vote in this section. Voters can vote up to 16 levels. The result of this section will be tallied as the "Voter Turnout".
- Jury's Evaluation:Jury members that have passed the #Jury Registration will each evaluate and rate the quality of each fan-made level from various aspects. The result of this section will be tallied as the "Jury Score".
In the final result, the "Voter Turnout" will account for 30% of the level's score, and the “Jury Score” will account for the remaining 70%. This will determine the ranks of the entries.
Besides, if the jury finds that an entry is outstanding in a specific aspect, it can nominate it for a specific award.
Here's the standard of the jury.
Jury's Standard | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
类别区分考虑到部分参选作品以观赏为主,或因制作工具局限性的原因无法导出为游玩程序,因此,本次年度评选活动中评审团评分会区分“游玩类作品”和“观赏类作品”这两个类别。 区分方式
评分标准评分项设置游玩类和观赏类作品共同包含:主题、场景设计、创意,以上3个评分项,除共用的评分项外,游玩类作品单独包含“游玩体验”评分项,观赏类作品单独包含“观赏体验”评分项。其中各评分项设有额外的加分项和减分项,若参选作品符合加分项或减分项的条件,则需根据已得分数额外增减分数,加分项与减分项的每一项条件算1分,若加分项或减分项有多个条件则可以叠加增分或减分,但同一条件不能多次算分,最终得分不得少于0分,但可以超过满分。 主题(10分)
关于本评分标准本评分标准将由评审团成员审议后于评分开始时公示,后续评审团评分环节所有参加评分的评审团成员必须严格按照本评分标准文档内容对参选作品进行评分。 DL RS 同人群联合出品 |
Result Release
The Result Release part will last from Dec. 22nd, 2023 to Jan. 1st, 2024.
The preparation will take part from Dec. 22nd to 30th. The jury members will write comments for awarded works, and decide specific awards.
The online stream will kick off at Bilibili at 20:00 on Dec. 31st, 2023. Meanwhile, the podcast "跳舞的线最佳饭制音乐" (Music of the best Dancing Line fan-mades) by "刘黄马" on NetEase Music, and this page, will update the information at the same time.
The top 10 works in total score, 6 excellent works on specific aspects, and several recommended works will be released.
The complete video of the release will be published on Jan. 1st, 2024. The work with the highest total score will have its screenshot posted as the background image of Dancing Line & Fan-made Works Wiki Chinese Portal Site for the entire year of 2024.