

Wisty讨论 | 贡献2022年11月30日 (三) 12:18的版本 (This will need more work.)
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  • The first scene contains red and pink candies that pop up on the ground. Desserts include candy canes, biscuits, donuts, ice cream, square candies, spherical candies, etc. Fruits include raspberries, cranberries, pomegranates, etc.
  • The second scene is orange, the lake is orange juice, desserts include biscuit pieces, fruit cake, lotus biscuits, banana boats made of bananas, cream, blueberries or strawberries, and fruits include blood oranges, grapefruits, limes, oranges, etc.
  • The third scene is brown, the ground is chocolate, there are chocolate trees on both sides, desserts include sugar cubes, cheese blueberry/chocolate bread, chocolate, white chocolate, sugar balls, sandwich biscuits, etc., and fruits include transparent pink apples
  • The fourth scene is white, the route is cream, it is a labyrinth route, ice cream and lollipops appear in the scene, and cream rains in the air
  • The fifth scene is blue, the line travels on a small boat, similar to a Reggae field surfboard, the water surface is blue sugar water, the route is floating sugar cubes, there are boats and biscuit islands in the water, and transparent sugar blocks of various colors are floating up and down
  • The sixth scene is green, all matcha-flavored desserts, including matcha pudding, matcha tree, matcha herb, matcha cake, matcha candy, matcha ball, matcha ice cream, matcha biscuit, lollipop, etc.
  • The seventh scene is yellow, the floor is a yellow cake, the route is white cream, the desserts include chocolate pudding, panna cotta, ice cream, candy, cake tree, etc., the fruit is yellow peach, and there is no pyramid at the end, it is replaced by a large Donuts with assorted candy bars