

JerryHan3讨论 | 贡献2023年12月1日 (五) 01:37的版本
Audition Rule
  1. Your work should be completed. Unfinished works are not accepted.
  2. The video of your work should be published between Dec. 1st, 2022, and Nov. 30th, 2023.
  3. There's no limit on the amount of submissions from a single maker.
  4. The following materials are required:
    1. Level's name and maker;
    2. The link to the video of the level;
    3. [SEND TO E-MAIL] The download link or package of the latest version of your level.
  5. For the fan-made levels that use the same music: If the theme is different, then both of them are qualified; If the theme is highly similar, the level that is published earliest is qualified, while the rest are disqualified. [In discussion]
  6. This year, the jury will categorize the submissions into "For play" and "For watch" two groups. The levels that are made by Unity Engine are limited to "For play", those that are made by animation software (such as Mine-Editor, etc.) are limited to "For watch", those that are made by Unreal Engine are going to be decided by the jury.
  7. The works are disqualified if:
    1. The maker voluntarily abandoned the right;
    2. It is not finished;
    3. Several makers make it, and the different parts are separated into different projects;
    4. It is terribly inadequate.
  8. No video platform limit is performed in this activity. Any work that can be recorded to a video, and doesn't match the conditions mentioned in rule 5 & 6 can take part in the contest.