

Wisty讨论 | 贡献2022年11月25日 (五) 18:46的版本
  • The musician 蒼狼風亞 is also a Dancing Line player, he discovered this level on YouTube, and later he commented on the video of Bilibili on August 24th, 2018. Besides, the musician didn't quit the QQ Group until the group was accidentally banned.
  • The last tap in front of the pyramid fails from time to time. If you miss this tap, it's still considered as completing the level.
  • Instead of crashing to death with a death screen, the line would always fall if it goes out of the map. Not only would the line continue to lengthen its tail, but it would also turn.
  • The level lasts for 2 minutes and 23 seconds, with the level having 703 taps.
  • The font for the percentage markers is not Caviar Dreams, which is used more widely.
  • Because of how the level was programmed, the line is "soft," meaning it can bend, allowing the line to pass some low objects directly.
  • The Samsara was an early fan-made level, and the codes used to make this level were written by RainbowHarry themselves. These codes are not compatible with the levels and games used nowadays, making it difficult to include this level in the collections. Dancing Line PC·PE has collected this level once. However, the level was buggy that it was eventually deleted. Up till this date, none of the collections includes this level despite it being popular.