

Wisty讨论 | 贡献2022年12月8日 (四) 11:26的版本
  • The donut at the end of the level has the text "Regret nothing in matters of love and food", which means "唯爱与美食不可辜负" in Chinese. During Dancing Line Best Fan-made Levels Contest of 2021, this was translated to "在爱和美食方面不后悔" or "No regret in love and food."
  • This level was persecuted by LiGaYb, a member of WindLine studio, which gave rise to nicknames such as "salty point hell", "licking point trap" and "dog licking trap."
  • The design of this level was mainly inspired by one of TCT's levels, Paradise of Delicacy. As a matter of fact, TCT even checked this level.
  • The actual road width of the maze in the white section is about 3 times the displayed road width. Players can manually adjust the audio and video synchronization accordingly.
  • The actual width of the maze path is 3 times wider than the path shown. Therefore, players can adjust audio and camera synchronization manually and the level will still play out as normal.
  • During the jump from the yellow lake to the chocolate grounds, one must tap 3 times in order to collect the gem. Clicking less than 3 times won't raise the tree enough, while clicking more will raise the tree too high, and one will lose. During the early versions of the level, there was no prompt that says "Keep on tapping" to indicate players on what to do.
    • During the official video, this gem was not collected at all.
  • When the level is played under low quality, the orange juice lake scene appears to be yellow.
  • The chocolate scene had its color that resembled to a relic. This color was changed to brown, as suggested by LiGaYb.
  • The last section was originally intended to have a peach color, but because STAR EVE considered that the color of a peach is predominantly orange, and that the orange color is already used for the 2nd section of the level, he instead used yellow.
    • Because of this, the level should now have 3 yellow-colored scenes or sections.
  • During an early version of this level, before entering the orange juice lake, when one taps to the right, a preview of "Runaway" can be shown. In a later version in February 2022, or v1.2.2, a text that says "an escape about love is about to begin..." is also displayed. As of recent versions, however, when one tries to do this again, it will instead cause one to lose and die.